

Looking for a delicious restaurant? It’s all around the Five Suites in Elp. Within half an hour at the most beautiful locations!

Restaurant de Gaffel in Valthe

A very special restaurant is De Gaffel in Valthe (20-minute drive). This restaurant is located a beautiful farmhouse and tastefully decorated.

the Tram Hall in Meppen

A nice and always well occupied restaurant is the Tramlokaal in Meppen (15 min drive)

hotel-restaurant De Koekoekshof in Elp

If you want to eat nearby for a good tasting and beautifully presented dinner you can also visit Elp itself at hotel-restaurant De Koekoekshof(

Pancake restaurant De Strohoed in Elp

Known in the wide area and enjoy a delicious pancake? Then you can also visit Elp at pancake restaurant De Strohoed(

Diggels in Westerbork

Westerbork has several restaurants. Our favorite is  the always cozy restaurant Diggels in Westerbork. You eat there inside the cozy restaurant or even better outside on the beautifully manicured terrace that reaches almost to the church tower…: (5 min. drive)

Restaurant Van Tarel in Taarlo

Restaurant Van Tarel in Taarlo (25-minute drive)

the butterfly garden at Zuidlaren

Highly recommended is the Butterfly Garden in Zuidlaren (25 This Michelin-starred restaurant features contemporary cuisine with a French accent. The tastefully decorated Saxon-era farmhouse provides a fantastic setting for a delicious dinner

Inn de Aelderstroom

New but one of our great favorites is Inn De Aelderstroom in Aalden. Floris and Gert have been operating this fantastic restaurant there since mid-2021 in an equally beautiful monumental farmhouse. In summer, dine in the fantastic garden. Delicious and honest  food , beautifully served at a more than reasonable price .